A HOUSING association has refused to fund a dog poo bin in a Herefordshire village after the sticky problem of owners not picking up their poo was reported to the council.

The dog poo problems plaguing locals in one Herefordshire village were revealed in parish council minutes in December.

Documents published by Hope Under Dinmore parish council revealed that the foul problem of owners not picking up after their dogs was not limited only to pavements, with one Cherrybrook Close local telling councillors that the issue is a particular problem on the play area.

The local requested that the council consider erecting a dog waste bin, the minutes said, with the costings, issues associated with emptying, and possible vandalism discussed.

It was agreed that, in the first instance, Stonewater Housing Association should be made aware of the request with a view to them financing a bin.

But, minutes from the council's January meeting said, Stonewater had confirmed that it would not be financing a dog poo bin for the area after it was contacted by the parish clerk.

And, the documents said, locals will have to wait a while yet for the problem to be tackled.

"At present, there is work being undertaken in and round the centre of Cherrybrook – so, until this work is complete – it was agreed to defer a decision on purchasing or siting a free standing dog/rubbish waste bin," the minutes said.

The item was ordered to remain on the agenda.